Friday, September 4, 2009


The boys have successfully made it through their first full week of school. Now they have a long weekend. I was a little worried about Torii since he was a little tentative about starting school, but he is really enjoying it. He has told me more about school than Rion told me all of last year. After school today Torii was singing a song he learned and Rion knew it and said he sang it in kindergarten as well. I had never heard it until today. I went through last year feeling like I really didn't know what a typical day for Rion was like because he never talked about it, even when I asked him. Torii, on the other hand, needs no prompting, he goes on and on about school. Rion is excited about show and tell, which they start next week. He is, however, very annoyed that he has to study for a spelling test next Friday. He got most of the words right, he just had trouble with back and sack. Kind of tricky at the end of those words. Torii has a field trip next week. They are going to the powwow and I'm planning on going with.

I think Cordelia is enjoying her time alone. She is spending the mornings with daddy and then by the time she is getting up from her nap, I get home from work. I felt a little dissed this afternoon as I tried to get her ready to pick the boys up from school. She did not want to go with me. She wanted to stay with daddy. She is talking a lot more and forming phrases and she kept saying "want daddy." I told Fred they are having too much bonding time because she'd rather be with him.

The new school year is going along great so far. Everyone, including me, was pretty tired this afternoon. We're trying to adjust to the new schedule and routine. On that note I should be off to bed.