Thursday, January 8, 2009

A busy day

Today was a busy day, but altogether good. We had a MOPS steering team meeting so I did not work today. I dropped Rion off at school and since we had some time before the meeting we went to Target. I still needed to return two things from Christmas that were duplicate presents. One for Torii and one for Cordelia. So they each picked something new. Torii picked a new movie. I had never heard of it, but he said I'll see it when we watch it. It is some anime TV series. A Pokeman type show. Cordelia (actually Torii and I) picked out a talking tea set. It's really cute. It was that or the anniversary Little People set. It's a bigger version (no possible way of choking on these) of the Little People I played with as a kid. After Target Torii wanted to play on the coin operated cars in the mall.

Then we headed to the MOPS meeting. I missed half of the meeting because Cordelia was not in a good mood. I think she was tired, but it is still unusual for her to be so upset like that. I really wanted to stop and get milk after the meeting, but I took Cordelia home for a nap right away instead.

After laying Cordelia down for a nap and having lunch I went out for milk. After I got home with the milk I left again because Fred let me have some much needed me time. First I went to the Civic Center to get some tickets. Torii and I are going to see Playhouse Disney live. I asked Rion if he wanted to go, but he said he was too big for that. I will probably treat him to a Wizards game sometime. He keeps talking about seeing another basketball game, but he wants to see the Nuggets again. After I got the Disney tickets I told the ticket guy I also needed tickets for the Bob and Tom comedy show. He kind of looked at me funny. I should have told him I had a different date for that show. I guess it was kind of funny to be buying tickets for two completely different shows.

Next I went to a thrift store which I haven't been to in awhile. I go through withdrawals. I wish I would have had more time because they had digger's delight which I love. But I had to get going for a meeting at Rion's school. The meeting was about his speech and fine motor skills, but I'll post more about the meeting later as this post is long enough already. After the meeting I had about an hour to spare before school let out so I did some shopping. I'm glad I had a meal in the crockpot today which at least made supper easy tonight. I continued to be busy tonight, working on a custom onesie order that someone requested. I also had to sort through 25 bids I received for a custom request I made. I was not expecting that many bids. It was a good day in that I got a lot done, but I'm looking forward to the weekend and just relaxing.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Be my "friend"

Recently I read that 30 somethings are the fastest growing demographic on Facebook. You can add me into that growth as I signed up for Facebook last year. And most of my friends there are thirty somethings as well. I really didn't know what Facebook was all about until I got started on it and since then I've become addicted. The other day I also read something by a mom whose kids are also on Facebook. The main point of the article was whether parents and their kids should be "friends" on Facebook. This subject came up over Christmas. I told my mom that I wouldn't want to be "friends" with her or my dad. Not that I have anything to hide, it's just I need some space from my parents. It wasn't until I read this article that I thought about my own kids on Facebook. Luckily, they are too young that I don't have to deal with this yet, but when I thought about it I realized I would feel rejected if my kids didn't want to be my "friend." I would be left to wonder what they are doing on Facebook and what could they be hiding there? Additionally, I could have an inside look on their lives if I was their "friend." Although I'm told you can bar certain people from certain information on your Facebook page. I'm old and haven't figured that out yet. I need Rion to get a little older so he can tell me how to do it. So in the future when my kids reject my friends request and I get a little peeved, just remind me that I wouldn't my own parents to be my "friend" either.