Saturday, December 8, 2007

Bad Habits

Today we had breakfast with Grandpa and Grandma. When we were leaving the boys went with Grandpa and Grandma. Rion looked out the car window and saw daddy. Rion said, "Daddy's smoking. And I suck my thumb."

Friday, December 7, 2007

Quotable Torii

Torii was making me laugh all day today. Sadly, I can only remember two of the funny things he said.

He was helping me make muffins today and at one point he said Yessireeee.

When I was making supper he was playing with his toy kitchen and couldn't find something for it. We looked a little bit and I told him I couldn't find it. He said, "Well it didn't just walk away by itself."

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Some privacy please!

When you become a mother, whether you like it or not, you forfeit your privacy. I rarely get to use the bathroom by myself. My kids could be totally focused on something, but as soon as they hear the bathroom door shut they are in there with me. They don't even knock. They just walk right in. I've tried locking the door, but that doesn't hold them back.

So I don't know what I was thinking when I went into the bathroom to try out my new pump. I had a manual one before, but this time I went all out and bought a nice electric one. So it makes some noise. First Rion came in. I think he liked it because it's sort of like a machine. He had to study it to see how it worked. Then Torii came in. He's interested in anything to do with the baby so he asked a ton of questions. On a side note, the other day he told me I gave milk like a cow. Thanks, that makes me feel so good. Anyway, I got rid of the kids and then Fred comes in. He asks if he can help. Enough already!

Hopefully Cordelia will take the bottle so the next time I go out by myself I can take my time and really enjoy myself. And will I ever enjoy myself.