Thursday, December 29, 2011

Organization is overrated

Recently, for some reason that I can’t remember right now, Cordelia and I had some time to ourselves to do some shopping. While we were out we decided to have lunch at McDonalds. It was still really nice out so she was wearing sandals that day. When we got to McDonalds I realized she didn’t have any socks for the play area. I was even going to buy new socks for her at our previous stop, but totally forgot. I was irked at my forgetfulness. I gave the van a once over on the off chance that there would be a pair somewhere. Cordelia likes to take her shoes and socks off in the car, which then get tossed everywhere. I don’t always take the time to find them when we get home so I thought there was a good chance of finding a pair. I was right. I not only found a pair of socks, I found three pairs. Sometimes it pays to be messy and disorganized.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011