Friday, February 12, 2010

Hockey game with the boys

Last night the boys and I went to the Bobcats game. They had gotten free tickets from school for last night's game. A lot of kids from school were there so the boys recognized a lot of people which was cool. The bad thing was they recognized a lot of people at the game. Therefore, Rion spent most of the game running around with another first grader even though he was told numerous times not to run and not to run off without telling me first. Rion did start off being really good. The boys were amazed at the Zamboni. The kids sat so nicely until the starting lineup was being announced, when Rion told me he had to use the bathroom. Of course we were on the other side of the ice from the bathrooms. He had all pregame to take care of that and he tells me just minutes before the game is going to start. Figures. Torii took in more of the game. He did hang out with some other kids for parts of the game, but he sat with me for a good part of it. I also told the boys before the game to watch out for flying pucks and sure enough one got out and came pretty close to us. The game was fun and ended in a shootout. Unfortunately the Bobcats were on the losing end. I'm sure there will be a lot of tired boys and girls in school today since it was late before anyone even got home. We also saw two of the boys' classmates at Walmart after the game. Like us they were there to pick up treats for the first grader's Valentines party today. Rion's teacher let us know yesterday that they needed treats. Sheesh.