Friday, January 2, 2009

Tis the season

Cold and flu season that is. Torii and Cordelia are still somewhat battling the flu. They seem to get over it, then it's a race to the bathroom to throw up. Torii took a nap again today and Cordelia had two naps today which is rare for both of them so they must still be sick. This afternoon Rion mentioned his ear hurt. He's only had one ear infection before so I didn't really think much of it. He didn't say anything about it again until late tonight and he said it really hurt. He kept complaining about it so we rushed off to the walk-in before Fred had to leave for work. He does have an ear infection in the ear that hurt and his other ear is really red so it may start to hurt as well. I hope the other two kids don't get ear infections too. After we got his medicine we ran down to Target for some chewable Tylenol. I'm not very good at keeping a well stocked medicine cabinet so I usually have to go to the store when someone is sick. I tried to keep the medicine cabinet stocked once and most everything expired before it got used. Oh well, Target isn't far from our house. This weekend we will continue to sit around the house and take it easy. We've been playing video games and watching movies. As a treat for my sick kids we ordered Wall E on Pay Per View earlier today. We rarely do that so it was a nice treat for everyone.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year

I am hoping our new year will start a lot better than this one is ending. Yesterday I stayed home from work because Cordelia wasn't feeling well. Later that morning I started to feel real sick and didn't feel good again until late that night. I just felt nauseous all day and didn't each much at all. This morning I was feeling much better, but Cordelia threw up again so I stayed home again. I needed the extra rest anyway. This afternoon Torii and I went to Wal-Mart and when we got home I started making supper. By the time I was done Torii had fallen asleep. That's unusual for him so I suspected he wasn't feeling good either even though he was perfectly fine at Wal-Mart. While I was making supper, Rion threw up and shortly after we were done eating Torii had gotten up and thrown up as well. Both boys continued to throw up for the next couple of hours until they finally fell asleep. Hopefully a good night's rest will help. It seems Cordelia and I only had the bug for a day so I hope it's the same for the boys. I hate it when the kids are sick.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Unforgettable Christmas

Over the past few days the kids have said and did many things that had everyone laughing. I kept thinking, "I have to put that on the blog," but now that I'm sitting here typing, I can't think of a single thing. They'll come to me later so I may post some of those funny stories later.

We had a very good Christmas. This Christmas will always be referred to "the one that Torii hit his head". We let the boys loose and they opened their gifts first. They went so fast that I didn't even see all the gifts they got until we were loading them into the car. After the boys were done everyone else opened their gifts. Rion was already at the table putting together a Lego set even though I told him to wait until we got home. I think someone said Grandpa let him open the Lego set. That bad Grandpa! Torii was being good and taking every one's wrapping paper and throwing it in the garbage. Towards the end he was getting a little too wild and fell off a stool and hit his head on the side of a chair. It made a loud thud, but he got up and seemed fine. Then his head started bleeding really good. Rion didn't like seeing the blood at all. He said he didn't want to talk about it. Grandpa got him cleaned up and after a consultation with a firefighter it was determined that he didn't need stitches. He did get a really good cut on his head and I thought for sure we would be going to the emergency room on Christmas. That night I let him sleep with me. I thought it would make him feel a little better, but really it made me feel much better.