Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Father's Day

On Father's Day Fred took the boys fishing. Torii caught his very first fish! Rion got his second. Fred came home empty handed. Of course Torii had to let everyone know that his fish was the biggest. Everything is a competition to him. I can't believe Fred got Torii to hold the fish for a picture, but it doesn't look like Torii is really enjoying it.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Rainy day fun

When Grandma Norma was here we had some yucky weather, but we found some things to do anyway. One of those days we went to the Capitol and Heritage Center. We went to the top floor of the Capitol and saw a turkey vulture flying at the same level that we were at. The boys were really impressed by it. Then we went to the Heritage Center. When I wasn't stopping Cordelia from climbing onto displays, we were in the kids area. That is always a hit with them.Torii and Cordelia riding horses.
Torii and Rion in jail where I should have left them.

On another rainy/cloudy day we went out looking for new shoes before summer school started.
Both boys were in dire need of new shoes. While out we stopped by the Convention and Visitor's Bureau to see Auntie Vicki and the boys got to blow the steam whistle.