Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas stories

Ok, it's been way too long since I last blogged. I totally overstressed myself during the holidays and I couldn't understand why I couldn't get anything done like I normally do. Fred had to remind me that this was the first Christmas that I've been employed full time. Duh. I was so thankful that I wasn't going crazy as I often suspect I am. So I didn't get nearly as much done as I would have liked this holiday season and many things got crossed off my list including Christmas cards. Now you know that you were not snubbed by us (just in case you were patiently waiting for our card to arrive). Do know that we were thinking of you during the holidays, we just never expressed it in Hallmark form. And thank you for all the wonderful cards we received. Next year I'll start on ours early and you will get one!

We had a wonderful Christmas. It was good to spend time with my sisters and their families. We miss them already! The kids got everything they wanted and more than they deserve. The day after Christmas Rion said, "I can't believe we were on the good list." I can't believe it either. Santa is either very forgetful or a soft touch.

Every Christmas I worry that this will be the year that Rion finds out the truth about Santa. I know it will be some snot nosed punk on the playground who spills the beans. Really, it was almost me that revealed all. While reading Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer one evening Rion told me he knew that Rudolph was totally made up. "Isn't that right mom," he asked. "Yes," I said half paying attention because I was busy trying to get the kids settled into bed. "Rudolph is fake," Rion said, "but Comet, Cupid, Dancer and the rest of reindeer are real. I know that." It was then that I realized that this conversation could have easily gone a different direction and a bad direction at that. "Yes," I exclaimed, "that's right! All of the other reindeer are real." Phew, that was close.

A few days after what could have easily become "The Rudolph incident" Rion asked about Santa. "I just can't figure how he can come in here and we don't hear him at all," he said. I told him there are many times when I wake up in the morning and there is a child laying next to me. I don't hear said child come in during the night, but there he/she is in the morning. (That is totally the truth. I told the truth to cover a lie about Santa. Make sense?) Rion thought that was a plausible theory and he never questioned Santa's existence again. Yes, my kid will be a kid for at least one more year.