Thursday, April 19, 2012


The kids have been in gymnastics off and on for the last three years. We’ve tried to be in it as much as we could, but sometimes it just didn’t work out with other activities. Lately, our gymnastics academy has become very competitive. And I’m not taking about the kids. I talked to another mom at church who also has a daughter in gymnastics. She said she had shown up the first day of registration to find the line stretched outside the office. I told her it was getting really full when I signed up on the second day, but I was able to get the kids in a class. During the next session registration, I couldn’t get to gymnastics to sign them up the first day. The kids had their class during the second day of registration so I wasn’t worried about not getting them into a class. Wow, was I wrong. I couldn’t even get Torii into a class. I’ve never had a problem getting him in. Cordelia’s classes fill up fast, but Torii’s I wasn’t worried about at all. The kids were really disappointed so we decided to check out the gymnastics across the river. So far we really like this gymnastics. The classes are smaller and they have more than one coach for each class. Torii’s previous class consisted of six boys and one coach. I felt bad for the kid trying to keep those boys on task. It would be tough for anyone. Torii’s current class has two other boys and two coaches. Not only do these coaches seem more enthusiastic about coaching, but having two coaches allows them more one-on-one time with the boys. Torii has been able to practice his skills more in each class and gets more advice from his coaches on how to improve. Cordelia’s class is the same size as before, but again with more than one coach to keep an eye on them all. While the facility may not offer all that the previous one did, the kids are really enjoying this gymnastics. I really like it too. I can actually watch most of their practice. (The previous place had an obstructed view). And the gymnastics is in an old building downtown so I continually marvel at some of the building’s features and construction. The only thing I don’t like is that they don’t have a time that Torii and Cordelia could be in gymnastics at the same time. It’s not that big of a deal to drive over there twice a week, but I could see it becoming too much. There are currently times that we are only home one day a week. While we hated leaving the other gymnastics, I think it was time for a change and this one seems to be working out.