Saturday, July 25, 2009

At the zoo

Today the kids and I went to the zoo. When we arrived I parked up front by the donkeys. Rion was excited and said that was the first thing he wanted to see. I told him ok. Then Torii got mad. "I want to pick what we see first," he said, "the youngest should get to pick first." "Fine," I told him, "then Cordelia gets to pick first." Torii had to think for a little bit and finally he said, "ok, how about the medium one picks?" It took him a little longer than usual, but I knew he'd come up with something so he could try to get what he wants.

We did have a very good day at the zoo. I managed to get past the playground when we first arrived so that was our last stop before leaving. Cordelia also really seemed to enjoy the animals this time. She loved the goats and even got up close and pet them.
Rion tried really hard to get a butterfly on his finger. He was very patient, but whenever one got on his finger, he moved away fast because he said it tickled.
Torii's face after cotton candy.
Cordelia wanted nothing to do with the cotton candy so she checked out the train while the boys had their treat.

We had about five minutes to ourselves at the tiger exhibit. During that time the kids ran in and out of the tunnels.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

High tech tooth fairy

Rion has had a tooth loose for a few days and yesterday it finally fell out. Ok, Torii knocked it out, but the point is, the tooth came out. As we were talking about the tooth fairy Torii asked me how she knows when there is a tooth under your pillow. "I don't know" and "she just knows" were not satisfactory answers for him. Finally I told him, "When your tooth falls out, the tooth fairy gets an email so she knows to visit you that night." He didn't ask anymore questions.