Friday, February 18, 2011

It's come to bribery

We have tried off and on for about a year to potty train Cordelia. She started off really well, but then got stubborn and insisted she wanted to remain a baby. The ways we got the boys to be potty trained did not work with Cordelia. In fact nothing worked. Then suddenly a few weeks ago she started using the potty on her own. We stopped putting Pull-ups on her and amazingly she didn't need them anymore anyway. She is doing great except for one thing: pooping on the potty. I told her I would buy her something special if she stops pooping in her pants, but it hasn't worked. So today after worked I stopped by Wal-Mart and saw that the Dora dollhouse she wanted was marked down to $17 (originally $69!). Maybe actually seeing the special treat will help. The kids weren't home when I got home so I set the dollhouse on the table. When they got home Cordelia spotted the dollhouse right away. I explained that she could have the dollhouse, but we wouldn't open it until she started pooping on the potty. I can't say it has worked yet, but it looks promising. I also found some of the furniture for the dollhouse on sale and Cordelia holds the package as she sits on the potty. She wants to open it so badly. She tried many times to poop on the potty tonight with no success, but no accidents either. I told Cordelia I would put the dollhouse someplace she could see it to remind her to get to the potty, but I couldn't decide where. Fred had the perfect solution. Put it behind the couch because that's the spot where she goes to do her business. So there the Dora dollhouse sits. Hopefully we will get to open it soon.