Friday, January 30, 2009

Trouble maker

Today the kids and I went to Wal-Mart after school. I really hate going with them, but I wanted to get it out of the way so we could have the weekend to do whatever. I wanted to pick up some snacks for the big game on Sunday and I asked Torii what he wanted. Of course he said ice cream. I told him that if he was good I would let him pick out whatever ice cream he wanted. He didn't make it out of the school parking lot. I told him he had one more chance, but since ice cream would be the last thing we would get he would have to behave the entire time at Wal-Mart. He was doing pretty good until he started to help me push the cart. As we were pushing the cart he would stop walking and hang from the cart. All of the sudden I would have all this extra weight on the cart. He kept doing it and I kept getting madder. Finally I said, "Torii, I'm not going to tell you again. Now stop it." Torii said, "You're not going to tell me again?" "No," I said. "Good," he replied and he continued to hang on the cart.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Never ending trips to the doctor

Sometimes I feel like I'm always at the doctor's office. If it's not a regular scheduled appointment it seems to be something else. A few days ago Rion complained about an ear ache just as he was going to bed. I gave him some ear drops and the next day he didn't mention it again so I forgot about it. Then in school yesterday he complained about his ear hurting again so the school nurse looked at his ear. She noticed a small cut in his ear canal so I brought him to the doctor after school. I was hoping to get in with his regular doctor, but he was leaving for vacation that afternoon. That always seems to happen when I need to get a kid in. So we went to the walk-in. The doctor figured the amoxicillian he got a few weeks ago didn't work so he is still suffering from the same infection. She prescribed something different and when we picked it up, the pharmacist asked me if the doctor had told us how expensive this stuff was. Our insurance paid for almost fifty dollars of it and it was still over $100! I hate going to the walk-in because this is the kind of stuff that happens. And from past experiences I don't have much confidence in most of the doctors that do the walk-in. But since I couldn't get into Rion's regular doctor we didn't have any other choice. Then today Rion got sick at school. I picked him up from school and after lunch he was his normal self again. I really hope it's not the medicine, but vomiting is a side effect. What a waste of money that will be if he gets sick again. I'll try the medicine again in the morning and see how it goes.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

I know, I know!

When the boys have Church School the first thing they do is go downstairs and sing. A lot of the parents hang around until after they are done and the kids are with their class. Today after they were done singing someone from Camp of the Cross was there to talk to them. He asked the kids if they knew what they did at Camp of the Cross. Someone said pray, another kid said swim. The guy said yes they did all that and asked if anyone knew of anything else they did there. My view was blocked so I couldn't see Torii, but I heard his little voice say, "I know, I know." "Eat ice cream," was his response. The man was kind of a portly fellow so he made a joke about it and continued on. Then I heard, "I know, I know" again. "Bonk your heads?" The guy didn't understand this and I was happy about that. It's just a family inside joke that probably sounds bad to everyone else. The guy once again continued on, but Torii wasn't done quite yet. He responded at least a couple more times. Parents laughed the first time and a little the second time, but by the fourth time it wasn't funny at all. Me? I was hoping it would all be over so I get the heck out of there. This is the first time I have ever heard Torii say anything in Church School. He is usually so quiet. I guess his true nature was finally coming out today. And if that wasn't enough, Rion had to add his two cents in. After the guy told the kids there was a water slide at the camp, Rion had to tell everyone about the time he went on a water slide and his daddy caught him at the bottom. What got into my boys this morning? They are never like that.