Friday, October 5, 2007

Not so scary

As a mother of toddlers I am seeing Halloween in a new way this year. When I first saw some of the decorations I thought I would be spending the next month protecting them from what some of those scenes are portraying. There are some really awful and scary stuff for sell for Halloween. My boys, however, love it all. The uglier, scarier, more gruesome, the more my boys like it. Actually the only thing that Torii has been scared of is a big furry spider that is about as big as he is. Yesterday we were at Target and of course they had to look at the Halloween section. They love to try on the masks and the scarier they are the better. Then they push all the buttons on the motion decorations. I cringe at some because I think I will be up late with boys having nightmares, but they laugh and repeatedly push the buttons. Rion loves anything with blood on it and is really into tombstones. He bought one that we put in the front yard and he wants a motion one at the party store, but I think it's awful. It's a tombstone and at the bottom is a man's arms. When you push the button he starts clawing at the tombstone and there are bloody marks on the tombstone. Weeks later Rion is still talking about it and repeats what the man says, "let me out, it's dark in here." And he thinks it's hilarious. I love Halloween and I'm glad my boys seem to love as well. As long as they don't start having nightmares, they can have as much fun with Halloween as they want.