Saturday, July 19, 2008

The capital of Montana is not Hannah

I detest pretty much everything on the Disney Channel. I don't know where Disney went horribly wrong. Maybe I'm just getting old. Everyday I am thankful that Cordelia is not old enough to be a Hannah Montana fan. Although I am sure something equally annoying will come around by the time she reaches that age. There are a few very bright spots on the Disney Channel such as Charlie and Lola, but my new favorite cartoon is Phineas and Ferb. I would like to say I was only watching the cartoon because Fred Rion was watching it, but the reality is there is a really good chance I would be watching it even if I didn't have kids. I have never in my lifetime stopped watching cartoons. One of the benefits of having kids is that now I can use them as an excuse to watch cartoons. In college I didn't really have an excuse except that I just didn't want to grow up. Phineas and Ferb has enough of the regular cartoon antics to keep the kids laughing and enough jokes only adults will catch to keep me laughing. And the secret agent spoofs with Perry the Platapus and the mad scientist are a riot.

On another note I should actually be thanking Hannah Montana today. We were at Wal-Mart today and of course the checkout line was super long. We happened to be in the line that had a display with 3-D glasses for the upcoming broadcast of the Hannah Montana movie. Those glasses kept Rion busy until we were ready to leave. "Look mom," he kept saying, "my hand is sunburned. Now it's ice. Now it's sunburned. Now it's ice......"

Sunday, July 13, 2008

So tired

This is Torii. Five minutes before falling asleep like this, he was in the bathroom throwing up. Before you say poor thing, you must know why he was throwing up. Shortly after supper (and on one of those rare days that he ate really good) Torii threw one of his world famous temper tantrums. Fred cannot stand this, but when the kids throw tantrums, that no amount of reasoning will solve, I just ignore them until they are done. Tonight was one of those nights. Torii screamed and wiggled on the floor a good fifteen minutes. When he was finally done he said he was hot. His hair still looks wet with sweat in the picture. Then he went in the kitchen for a drink of water and 10 seconds later was in the bathroom disposing of his supper. After he got cleaned up he went into the living room, put his head on the stool and promptly fell asleep.