Saturday, September 27, 2008

Quotable Torii

Today I finally started Cordelia's scrapbook while she was taking a nap. She was really tired and took a long nap. I guess it was too long for Torii because he wanted me to stop scrapbooking and play with him. I kept working on the scrapbook and then Torii told me, "It will be loads of fun" if I played with him. And it was.

Later Torii wanted to play football. Before we started to play he told me we had to pick teams. He told me, "Don't pick the Vikings. They lose in big games." He must be talking football with daddy.

Little bird

I've got another little bird in the house. I can't eat anything without Cordelia coming up to me to see what I've got. And she grunts until I give her some food. I still have a couple of jars of baby food for her, but I'm not going to buy anymore. She really likes table food. Her and Torii both really went for the table food quickly. She really liked the peas we had the other night. I think she really likes the things she can pick up by herself. Her favorite thing is powdered donuts, which probably isn't that good. I ate one in front of her the other day and she started crying when she didn't get a bite. Probably have another sweet tooth in the house too.

Friday, September 26, 2008

No rough housing!

Yesterday I was playing pretend wrestling/fighting with Torii. He was being really good about not actually hitting, but then I laid down and told him I had to take a break. Then he jumped in the air and elbowed me in the side. It hurt pretty bad and I told Torii not to do that. He was pretty tired and he started to cry because I got mad at him. Then he told me it was ok to play hard. "There's no baby in your tummy anymore," he said, "I can play hard with you now." When I was pregnant I had to tell him to be careful with me all the time. I can't believe he remembers that.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Now husband free

Fred left for his hunting trip this afternoon. He's says it's his vacation, but really it's mine too. I love Fred, but it's nice to get rid of him for a few days. One less person I have to pick up after. And one less person to whine around here. The best part of him leaving comes at dinner. Tonight we had meatloaf, which Fred doesn't like, and I have an awesome recipe for. The rest of the weekend I can make macaroni and cheese and no one would complain. I may try some other recipes that I've wanted to try that are meatless. If I made them for Fred he would complain about the lack of meat. The kids and I don't really have anything planned while daddy is away. The only thing I really want to do is go to Coldstone Creamery and get my free ice cream for my birthday. Torii wanted to go to DQ today, but I told him we were going to try a new ice cream place tomorrow. He is so excited. We don't get to Coldstone very often so they probably don't remember it. I really should live it up this weekend, but we will probably just relax at home which is nice too. For some reason I always do a big project while he is gone, but this year I'm not sure what to do. I should finish the top of my bench in the entryway and get that area cleaned up. I don't know. I'm sure I'll come up with something.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Hunting widow

This weekend Fred is going up to the farm to deer hunt. Since the season opens at noon on Friday, he will be leaving on Thursday to get up there. He went through the right channels and I approved this time off for him. However, he also wanted to take Rion and that request was denied. We have been "discussing" this issue for a couple of weeks now. First, I don't think it's an appropriate excuse to miss a day of school. Yah, he's only in Kindergarten, but that brings me to my next point. He is too young to spend a weekend hunting. He spent one night at the lake with Grandpa and Grandma this summer and he didn't like it. He said it was too long and he missed me. Oh, and he missed his computer too. If he can't have fun at the lake, why would he have fun in a field? So Fred got mad and said, "Fine. I'll remember this when you want to take him out of school for something." As if he has any say in it. There is no doubt that we will be going to Disney World during the school year. If he thinks I'm dragging three kids around a mega packed Magic Kingdom during the summer he has to be nuts.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Date night

Last night Fred and I finally went out for our anniversary. Between being sick and having a busy schedule we haven't been able to go until last night. Since I'm old, I wanted to go to the early movie so we wouldn't be out late. We did make it to the early movie, but still didn't get home until around 11:00. Today I was really dragging. (We also spent three hours at the pumpkin patch yesterday so I was tired before we even went out on our date). After the movie we went to Red Lobster as usual. They are nice enough to have endless shrimp every year around our anniversary. We were paying the bill and as I totaled it up with the tip I came to a startling realization. Our bill was cheaper than a tank of gas for the SUV. That is crazy. And I think I have been stuck in this married with children routine for too long. Fred just started getting Saturdays off again. It's been years since one of his regular days off was on the weekend. Because of that we don't get out much on Saturdays. I was amazed at all the people eating out so late (9pm, I know I'm old) on a Saturday. How quickly I have forgotten what it's like to be young without kids. I may have had a pang of jealousy of the girls out that night. They have freedom to do whatever they want, but really I wouldn't trade it for what I have now. An afternoon at the pumpkin patch and a date with my husband was way better than anything those girls did that day.