Saturday, April 25, 2009

Sending another kid to school

On Wednesday Torii got to spend an hour with the current kindergartners at school. I told him this was going to be in the afternoon after lunch and I thought he understood this. After dropping Rion off in the morning, Torii got mad as they pulled away and said he got to go to school too. Fred told him that was after lunch. Torii asked if it was lunch yet. That evening, I asked Torii if he liked school and he said he did. The next morning he was ready to go again. They are going to do that again next Wednesday, but Torii wants to go now. He is going to do the summer Jumpstart program for incoming kindergartners which is nice to ease the kids into school. I think he will like school and being around kids more.

Friday, April 24, 2009

For Laurie

Making a mess while getting clean

My boys are creative. They can always find new inventive ways to make a mess. Our bathroom is sort of split into two sections. While the boys were in the tub I was in the other part of the bathroom so I could hear the other person on the phone. I could hear the boys having lots of fun, but they always have fun in the tub. No one was crying in pain so I let them be. Then it got to a point where that laughter turned into a laughter that meant, "the boys are having way too much fun and are probably getting into trouble." I peeked into the tub and sure enough, the boys were in trouble. They were in the process of dumping half of their shampoo into the tub. They had created a huge bubbly mess. They that it was a lot of fun to lay down and slide on the slippery mess. I wrapped up my phone call, just as I was getting another. My mom asked if I was busy. "Oh no, it's just that the boys dumped a bunch of shampoo in the tub and have covered Cordelia in bubbles." I probably wouldn't have gotten so mad, but the floor had a bunch of water on it. Nothing irritates me more. The boys got out of the tub and there was not an inch of their body that wasn't covered in bubbles. After they had their pajamas on they went to bed without a story as punishment. I actually thought the whole scene was quite amusing, but I couldn't let them know that. I don't want this to be a reoccurring thing.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The question wasn't that tough...

"One thing they never tell you about child raising is that for the rest of your life, at the drop of a hat, you are expected to know your child's name and how old he or she is"-Erma Bombeck

Last night I was at a Tastefully Simple party and while chit chatting with someone she asked me how old my kids were. "Six....Is that right? Yah, he just turned six. I think. Yah, that's right. Six, four and 18 months." She must have thought I was the dumbest mother alive. But I actually had to pause and think about it. It just didn't seem like I should have a six year old already. I knew he just recently had a birthday, but did he really turn six or was it just 5? I finally figured it out and came up with the right ages. More wine please......

It was an enjoyable evening and I got to taste a lot of yummy food. When I got home I tried to be really quiet, but Cordelia has a sixth sense and popped right up. I left her alone thinking she would lay back down. It was quiet and I walked by again and I heard her say "mom" and I couldn't resist so I had to pick her up. We always have some snuggle time before I put her to bed so I guess she needed that before falling asleep. When I picked her up I noticed she didn't have any pajama bottoms on, but that's normal. She's rarely fully dressed. Then we sat down on the couch. She was laying stomach down on me and as I was holding her I noticed something else was different. It took me a minute, but then it finally dawned on me that she didn't have a diaper on. Fred swore he put one on her, but now she was bare butted. Fred checked the bed and thankfully she hadn't messed it up. He also found the diaper thrown on the floor. I was glad I decided to pick her up or I could have had an extra mess to clean in the morning. Cordelia does have a bit of a temper. She must have gotten mad when I didn't pick her up earlier and ripped her diaper off. It's always something new...

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Two week review

I haven't blogged in two weeks. I think that must be a record. I would really like to go to bed as the kids exhausted me today. We spent a lot of time outside today. I got a lot of yard work done, and also played with the kids. Torii likes to play baseball. (I'm so happy). He has a T-ball bat and a soft baseball that he almost hit over the garage a couple of times.

Last weekend we went to Grandpa and Grandma's house for Easter. The Easter bunny visited our house and their's too so they got two Easter egg hunts. They quit about mid-way through the hunt at home. They decided that they would rather eat the candy inside the eggs than search for more eggs. But they must have found them all because I haven't found any eggs laying around since then. I got a few pictures of the kids dyeing eggs. Cordelia really wanted to help. Today we went to a neighbor's house for a welcoming party for their new baby boy. They now have two boys and a girl too. Between our two houses we are populating our block with babies. Speaking of babies... Congratulations to Kelly and Brian on the birth of their baby girl on Wednesday. Her name is Heidi Renae. She is such a cutie!
Fred had a quote from Torii that I had to share. They were wrestling the other day and Cordelia wanted to join in on the fun. She got on top of Torii who was on top of daddy. Torii said she "was the cherry on top."