Friday, February 20, 2009

Minus one

Yesterday, quite unexpectedly, I was able to get rid of one child. Only for a day however. Auntie Vicki decided she wanted to have Torii spend the night. I was worried that Rion would get upset, but then Auntie Vicki told him it would be his turn next time. It just turned out she had a day off from work and since it was a school night only Torii could go. I will take any opportunity to get rid of Torii for awhile so I'm glad Rion was so good about it. He didn't get upset at all. Since Rion had to stay home I did "spoil" him a little. We have this crazy bedtime routine and Rion got every perk that night. He got the special towel after bath, he got to pick out the bedtime book and he got to sleep on the top bunk. Even daddy spoiled him by laying down with him for awhile. Then today after school Rion and I played Lego Star Wars and conquered another level. We haven't played together in a long time so that was nice. It was nice just have some one on one time with Rion. Cordelia was around too, but Torii takes so much of my attention that Rion and I don't get that time when Torii is around. As we were playing our game, Torii came in. He saw us playing the Playstation and his first words to us were, "What's the big idea?" The Playstation is more Torii's toy than anyone else's so he wasn't so thrilled to see us playing it. Then I got the rundown of what Auntie Vicki and Torii did. As was expected Torii was spoiled. When Auntie Vicki asked where he wanted to eat, he told her Red Lobster. And that's where they went. He had shrimp and a dessert. He must have ate good because there wasn't much left in his to-go box. He really does like shrimp. I can't believe that's where he picked to go. Then they went shopping and came home with candy and some toys. And Moon Sand. The boys always see Moon Sand commercials or see it in the stores and I always tell them maybe for their birthday with no intention of actually buying it. Now it's in my house. I told Torii whatever landed on the floor was getting vacuumed up. He was actually pretty good with it, but it still made a mess on the table. I kept waiting for Cordelia to get a big handful of it and throwing it everywhere, but she never did. Not that she didn't try. Anyway, we're back to a full house. It was nice to have a little break though.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I keep finding Cordelia in places she isn't suppose to be at. She has been on top of the table, on the computer desk and now on the chairs in the kitchen. I couldn't believe I found her up there. They are pretty tall, but she made it up. Everyone has to be so careful about what they leave around now or she will get it. When I make supper I have to make sure her plate is ready first so she can sit and eat. If I put anything else on the table she climbs up and helps herself. Torii set the table the other night and Cordelia climbed up and undid it all. She stacked up all the plates that Torii had put out so nice. There have also been incidents when one of the boys have left a half eaten cookie on the table only to find it missing minutes later. Cordelia thinks she's pretty hot stuff. (And she looks so big in this picture! I think she has been going through a growth spurt).

Cordelia climbing up on the chair.

This is how I found Cordelia. I usually don't freak out about things like this, but I was a little worried since the chairs are kind of high. I ran for the camera so I could get the picture and then she was back down. Then I let her climb up again just so I could get more pictures. After I got the pictures I put her back down and began to scold her every time she attempted to climb. Bad mommy, confusing the poor kid.

Last week

I am finally catching up on some blogging so this may be a long post. Fred was in Tennessee for almost five days to attend his step-father's funeral. He had quite an adventure on the airplane and says he will never fly again. (That's what he thinks). We did have a good laugh about it as his plane was diverted to Knoxville. There he was, stuck at the Knoxville airport, in his Florida Gators sweatshirt. I'm not sure if he was sporting a Gators hat as well. He decided to pick up the rental car there and drive the rest of the way instead of flying back to Nashville. Of all vehicles, he got one with Florida plates. We laughed at the irony of it all and agreed that Hank, (who was a huge U of Tenn fan), was looking down having a good laugh as well. And although it was a sad reason for Fred to be in Tenn., I think he enjoyed visiting with family and friends we don't see very often.

On Saturday the kids stayed overnight at Grandpa and Grandma's house. They were planning on this before so Fred and I could go out for Valentine's Day. Fred didn't come home until Sunday so mom went to the Bob and Tom comedy show with me instead. It was a good show. I hope they come back again so Fred can go. So I was completely alone on Saturday night which was weird. I woke up confused the next morning when no kids appeared in my room to wake me up.

We all went to pick daddy up at the airport. As we were pulling into the airport Rion kept asking me if he could have some gum. I couldn't figure out why he suddenly wanted some gum and I told him I didn't have any. When we got upstairs, Rion ran over to one of those big gumball machines and asked if I had a quarter. I can't believe that's what he remembers about the airport. Since you can't get up close to the back windows and see the airplanes coming in anymore, maybe that's the most impressive thing about the airport now.

Today I watched The Great Race. Jack Lemmon is so awesome in that movie! I enjoyed it and recommend it just to watch Jack Lemmon's performance. The boys came in towards the end of the movie and got interested in it. They kept asking questions and I tried to explain what was going on. Then they got to the pie fight scene. They really liked that. After the movie they wanted to pretend we were having a pie fight. They ganged up on me and told me I was really messy. Somehow, I was never able to hit them. They kept saying I missed them. In grade school I had a friend who had a birthday party out at McDowell Dam. Her mom had a bunch of small aluminum pie plates filled with whipped cream. There was enough for each kid to have a couple of them. We had a lot of fun throwing them at each other. I think that might be a really fun thing to do this summer. I will have to remember that.