Saturday, December 29, 2007

From Santa

I've debated about putting a TV in the kids' room. On the con side: they watch too much TV the way it is. On the pro side: I wouldn't have to watch so many cartoons. I didn't have to make a decision because Santa made it for me and left a TV/DVD combo for the boys. What a nice guy. The boys haven't watched it as much as I thought they would which is good. And tonight it came in so handy. I got to watch all of the football game, Torii fell asleep early while watching a show and Rion was close behind. While I never really wanted to put a TV in their room I guess I'll let this one go since it was a gift from Santa.

Video game junkie

It turns out that Rion really likes his Dora game. It's actually a really cute game and it's easy for him. It's a lot like other games where he has to find hidden gems and complete certain tasks, but it's on an easier level. Fred was wondering if there were any cheats available on the website he checks for video games. We then began to fantasize about the possible codes the creators could have installed in the game. Wouldn't it be great if they installed some codes for parents only. As the game is now there is no possible way for Dora to die. And what parent hasn't wished at some point that Dora would just die already? I would love a Mortal Combat like battle between Dora and Swiper. That might help with some of the day to day stress parents face.

Message received

Although the boys spend the better part of each day doing the exact opposite of what I tell them, there are indications that what I tell them is reaching their brain.

The other day while grocery shopping Torii said something about standing up in the cart. I told him he couldn't because I didn't want him to get hurt. He got mad at me, "No not me," he said, "that girl over there is." Behind us in line was a girl that kept trying to stand up in the cart. Torii was concerned because he knew she shouldn't be doing that and kept asking me why she was standing up.

Today Torii and I were playing and I was suppose to be on his team. We both had these ugly looking Bionicle creatures they picked up at McDonalds the other day and we were suppose beat up the pirate. Torii kept saying that the pirate won. I told him we weren't very good at fighting if we kept losing. He said, "Yes we are. You just have to keep trying." Eventually we did win a fight.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Have yourself a funny little Christmas

Here are some of the funny things the kids said on Christmas. I'm sure there were more, but this is what I can remember.

Rion tried some sparkling apple juice after Grandpa told him it was just apple juice. Rion said,
"This apple juice tastes different."

Rion took one of his big presents from under the tree and said, "We've been good this year."

We were playing cards before dinner and I wasn't doing so good. Then I said "finally" when I started to get some good cards. Torii was concerned about going home and for some reason he thought we were leaving. After I said finally, he peeked around the corner and said, "What? Are we going home now?"

Rion picked up a present that said Fred and was going to put it in his pile. We told him, no that was for his daddy. "But that says Fred," he said, "that's my name." We told him he had to find the ones that said Fred Rion. He was still convinced that present was for him.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Blog hog

I finally got a story about Rion on the blog. I was thinking about it and thought about changing the name of the blog. I thought "Here's the funny/cute thing Torii said or did today" blog would be appropriate.

Computer geek

Probably a year ago, maybe more, I let Rion sit on my lap while I played a game of Soltaire on the computer. I put his hand on the mouse and let him click on cards. Little did I know that I had just created a monster. Rion is addicted to the computer. He has his own folder on our favorites list filled with websites that he can visit and play games on. He knows how to turn on the computer, get to his favorites folder, close windows, and remove the top toolbar for a bigger screen. He does play the computer too much, which I need to control better, but he has also learned from the computer. Some of the websites are educational, some are not. He has learned to read some words such as back, next, and play. And I suppose one could argue that he is sharpening his motor control skills and problem solving skills in some of the games. He is also getting into the Playstation too. It was always too hard for him before to use both of his thumbs on that controller, but lately he is getting the hang of it. I bought him a Dora game for the Playstation for Christmas thinking that might be an easy game for him to learn on. Now in the few weeks since I bought that I'm thinking it might be too easy for him. Rion really likes daddy's new game that takes place in outer space and he kills lots of aliens. Fred let Rion create his own character and the two of them have been playing together. I watched Rion today and he did really good with the controller. The Dora game I bought has aliens too, but I'm not sure Rion will like it. I very much doubt Dora packs heat and shoots aliens. She's such a sissy.