Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day

Today Grandma watched the kids. When I dropped them off I mentioned something about it being Valentines Day and Rion started talking about Santa. I didn't know why he had suddenly brought up Santa, but I went along with the conversation. Tonight as I put the kids to bed I told them Happy Valentines Day again and Rion started talking about Santa again. Finally I put two and two together. He thought Santa was coming tonight. I had to tell him Santa was on vacation and only came at Christmas. Rion went to sleep with no trouble tonight, so I may still have some explaining to do in the morning.

Everything old is new again

I knew one day the things I liked in childhood would come back in style. I just thought I would be a lot older when it happened. I guess it kind of makes sense. People my age are having kids and a way to market to them is by getting to the adults by bringing back their childhood favorites. Or else they just don't have any original ideas.

Remember these? They're all back.
Cabbage Patch dolls
My Little Ponies
American Gladiators
Knight Rider
Mr. Men and Little Misses
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Scooby Doo (Actually I don't know if Scooby ever went away)

I know there are more because I see things all the time that remind me of my childhood. The only thing they haven't brought back is the A-team. But who knows, they could be working on a script right now.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Today Torii wanted to watch a cartoon in the living room. Of course I didn't want to watch it. I told him I had just seen a fly, which he hates. It wasn't a lie. I had really just seen one. He got a nervous look on his face and said, "I want to watch it in my room." I have never been so happy to see a fly.