Thursday, November 8, 2007

Cartoon episodes I'd like to see

"Dora's new family"- Dora's parents are charged with child neglect after Social Services discover that Dora often wanders far from home in the jungle and other exotic locales. Dora is sent to live with foster parents and begins seeing a therapist. The therapist tells Dora that there is no such thing as talking monkeys and encourages her to make friends with other children.

"The food chain"- In an all new Go Diego Go kids learn an important lesson about reality when the puma finally gets the tapir.

"Bob's secret"- After reading the bestselling book, Wendy finally realizes Bob the Builder just isn't into her. When the two have a heart to heart she discovers he's more interested in Mr. Ellis.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

LOL! I love the Dora one! very nice :p