Saturday, November 17, 2007


I've been lucky in that Cordelia sleeps really well at night. Still I feel dead tired at night and it takes me awhile to get up when she cries the one or two times at night. I guess after a full day of taking care of her and running after her two brothers is what wears me out. Normally I am a light sleeper. Now I sleep through anything, but Cordelia's cries. She usually wakes up about 3am. As I get up I notice two little bodies in my bed. I didn't even hear them come in, which doesn't help my plan to walk them back to their room everytime they get up so they can fall back asleep in their bed. That plan was working too. I now sleep through my husband's snoring too. This sleeping through everything is kind of scary too. I'm used to the boys coming into bed with me, but not my husband. Since he works overnights I only sleep with him two nights a week. One of his work nights, he came home early and I woke up in the middle of the night and noticed this man in my bed. For a moment I was really scared until I realized who it was. I find it so funny that I can sleep through all of this, but one little cry from my little girl wakes me up. It's a mom thing.

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