Monday, December 31, 2007

Mommy's undivided attention

Rion doesn't need naps anymore, but when he is tired he will lay down and take a nap. Yesterday was one of those days. He was tired so he took a nap with daddy. Since he took a nap I let him stay up later when Torii had gone to sleep for the night. Torii has done this a few times, but since it's been a really long time since Rion has napped during the day this was a first for him. He was so excited when I went into his room to tell him he could stay up late. I could hear it in his voice. He thought he was pretty cool too. I figured he would play on the computer, but instead he watched football with Fred and I. And he talked and talked and talked. I have never heard him talk so much in my life. Was this Rion or Torii? For the first time in a really long time Rion had my undivided attention without any distractions. I think he really enjoyed our together last night. I know I did. After the football game I let Rion watch one of his shows, then he went to sleep and I didn't hear another word from him. He is such a good kid. It was really nice to talk with Rion. The poor kid can't get a word in with Torii around.

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