Thursday, February 14, 2008

Everything old is new again

I knew one day the things I liked in childhood would come back in style. I just thought I would be a lot older when it happened. I guess it kind of makes sense. People my age are having kids and a way to market to them is by getting to the adults by bringing back their childhood favorites. Or else they just don't have any original ideas.

Remember these? They're all back.
Cabbage Patch dolls
My Little Ponies
American Gladiators
Knight Rider
Mr. Men and Little Misses
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Scooby Doo (Actually I don't know if Scooby ever went away)

I know there are more because I see things all the time that remind me of my childhood. The only thing they haven't brought back is the A-team. But who knows, they could be working on a script right now.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

I found Pound Puppies again at Toys R' Us. They have the little ones that go in the kennels again and of course the really big ones. I wanted to get one for Cordelia for Christmas but i got something else for her instead.