Friday, May 16, 2008

You're invited

Today the kids and I went shopping for daddy's birthday present. When we found the perfect gift I told the boys not to tell daddy, it was a surprise. Then we went to Dairy Queen to get a cake. Again I told the boys not to tell daddy until tomorrow. As we paid for the cake, Rion of course was around the corner climbing on booths, while Torii was right next to me being the center of attention. The cashier asked if we would like a name on the cake and I told her to write daddy on it. So she asked Torii if his daddy was having a birthday. "Yes," said Torii, "but don't tell him it's a surprise. You can come to his party. I'm going to hide under the table and surprise him." Then an older women came up and ordered a blizzard. She was Torii's next victim. "You're invited too," he said. Meanwhile the cashier is trying to ask the women a question. "Sorry," she said, "I have trouble hearing two things at once." "Welcome to my world," I said.

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