Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A different world

Over the weekend we had a rummage sale. While setting up my mom came across some Smurf glasses we had as kids. She asked me if I wanted them and of course I said yes. Tonight at dinner I had the Smurf glasses out and Rion was looking at one of them. Jokey Smurf was on it and he was laughing because another Smurf had opened his exploding present. I told Rion that the Smurfs was a cartoon that was on when I was little. I told him Jokey Smurf was always giving Smurfs exploding presents as a joke. Then I thought about what I just said and quickly added that exploding presents weren't funny at all. Every once in awhile Fred and I will come across something like that from our youth. Things, like an exploding animated present, were never given a second thought by my generation when we were young. Now I don't think something like that would even make it to television. All of our children were born after 9/11 and the world they will grow up in is undoubtedly different than the one I grew up in. For as long as my kids have been alive we have been at war. Wouldn't it be nice if they could know a world at peace?

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