Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year

I am hoping our new year will start a lot better than this one is ending. Yesterday I stayed home from work because Cordelia wasn't feeling well. Later that morning I started to feel real sick and didn't feel good again until late that night. I just felt nauseous all day and didn't each much at all. This morning I was feeling much better, but Cordelia threw up again so I stayed home again. I needed the extra rest anyway. This afternoon Torii and I went to Wal-Mart and when we got home I started making supper. By the time I was done Torii had fallen asleep. That's unusual for him so I suspected he wasn't feeling good either even though he was perfectly fine at Wal-Mart. While I was making supper, Rion threw up and shortly after we were done eating Torii had gotten up and thrown up as well. Both boys continued to throw up for the next couple of hours until they finally fell asleep. Hopefully a good night's rest will help. It seems Cordelia and I only had the bug for a day so I hope it's the same for the boys. I hate it when the kids are sick.


Laurie said...

Hope everyone feels well soon and happy new year1 :)

Kelly said...

Wow, hope you're all doing better! Give them a big hug for me! Happy New Year! Oh, and sorry I put rion in the snow. :-(