Sunday, December 21, 2008

A visit with Santa

Yesterday we finally got out to see Santa. I almost forgot that as it seems like I have been consumed by so much this Christmas that I am forgetting some important details. I asked Torii what he was going to ask Santa for, but he told me I would have to wait until he actually told Santa. I was nervous because I one point this month he told me he was going to ask Santa for the new Mortal Kombat game. I do not want to imagine the horrified look on Santa's face, as well as the other parents there, when my four year old asks for a video game he should not be playing. I did not want to go to the mall the Saturday before Christmas, but surprisingly the line to see Santa was not that long. The boys hopped up on Santa's lap and they took pictures first. Cordelia cried, but felt better after the photographer gave her a stuffed animal to hold. After the pictures were taken, I took Cordelia and the boys then told Santa what they wanted. Rion asked for Hot Wheels. Torii asked for bubblegum and an easy elephant puzzle. I have no idea where either request came from. I have already gotten the Santa gifts, but will have to pick up some Hot Wheels and bubblegum now too. Easy enough requests.

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