Monday, January 7, 2008

My resolution

Last year was a big year. I turned 30 and a few weeks later had my third child. In the months leading up to my birthday and during my maternity leave, I did a lot of thinking. I thought about my life up to this point and yes, I was extremely happy. Still, I felt something was missing. That led to my new year's resolution. I spent my 20's saying I was going to (fill in the blank) whenever we had the money, the kids were in school or whatever else excuse I came up with. Last year I suddenly wondered what I was waiting for and as part of my resolution I wasn't going to wait anymore. There have been many times that I have thought about starting my own business, but this latest idea just wouldn't go away. The more I thought about it, the better it sounded. So to fill in the space I felt was missing in my life I decided to start my own business. I've been researching, putting a plan together and also buying materials. I'm so excited and so scared too. It could be a huge success or it could be a huge bomb. I hope it's successful enough to live off of. Although I say I'm doing this for myself I feel like I'm also doing it for my kids. I want to make money and be at home with them. I also want them to be proud of me. When people ask them what their mom does I hope they can say, "She owns her own business."

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