Sunday, July 13, 2008

So tired

This is Torii. Five minutes before falling asleep like this, he was in the bathroom throwing up. Before you say poor thing, you must know why he was throwing up. Shortly after supper (and on one of those rare days that he ate really good) Torii threw one of his world famous temper tantrums. Fred cannot stand this, but when the kids throw tantrums, that no amount of reasoning will solve, I just ignore them until they are done. Tonight was one of those nights. Torii screamed and wiggled on the floor a good fifteen minutes. When he was finally done he said he was hot. His hair still looks wet with sweat in the picture. Then he went in the kitchen for a drink of water and 10 seconds later was in the bathroom disposing of his supper. After he got cleaned up he went into the living room, put his head on the stool and promptly fell asleep.

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