Sunday, January 4, 2009

Be my "friend"

Recently I read that 30 somethings are the fastest growing demographic on Facebook. You can add me into that growth as I signed up for Facebook last year. And most of my friends there are thirty somethings as well. I really didn't know what Facebook was all about until I got started on it and since then I've become addicted. The other day I also read something by a mom whose kids are also on Facebook. The main point of the article was whether parents and their kids should be "friends" on Facebook. This subject came up over Christmas. I told my mom that I wouldn't want to be "friends" with her or my dad. Not that I have anything to hide, it's just I need some space from my parents. It wasn't until I read this article that I thought about my own kids on Facebook. Luckily, they are too young that I don't have to deal with this yet, but when I thought about it I realized I would feel rejected if my kids didn't want to be my "friend." I would be left to wonder what they are doing on Facebook and what could they be hiding there? Additionally, I could have an inside look on their lives if I was their "friend." Although I'm told you can bar certain people from certain information on your Facebook page. I'm old and haven't figured that out yet. I need Rion to get a little older so he can tell me how to do it. So in the future when my kids reject my friends request and I get a little peeved, just remind me that I wouldn't my own parents to be my "friend" either.

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