Sunday, May 31, 2009

Outside fun

Torii never thought the water in the pool was high enough so he kept filling it up.
Fred created a mud spot in the backyard which was a big hit with the boys. Cordelia had to get in on the action as well. She didn't like it at first, but then she seemed to enjoy the mud. That is until she slipped and parked her butt in the mud.
She was smelling the flowers, but stopped as soon as the camera came out. I wanted to get some pictures of my minnow buckets repurposed as flowerpots anyway and the picture turned out cute. I need a couple more minnow buckets and then every step will be filled.
Cordelia hanging out with her too cool sunglasses.
Ok, not an outside picture, but still had to post a picture of my video game addicted boys. I can't believe how good Rion is at the Lego games. He can get through levels by himself. And he's helped me figure out things that I couldn't figure out myself. I was going to help him with the Batman game, but he's kind of taken that over by himself and is well on his way to completing it. Rion really likes to figure out how things work and likes to find the solution to problems and puzzles. He has very good problem solving skills. I guess that's why he likes the Lego games so much.

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