Monday, July 13, 2009

The lake

We spent the weekend at Lake Tshida. It was a beautiful weekend. I'm glad today's rain held off until today. As usual we had a fun time at the lake. We went swimming and kayaking and Rion caught a frog. Rion had a lot of fun in the water. Torii didn't like being underwater, but Rion took every opportunity to go under. I was throwing him in the water and he was also jumping off the dock. We spent the night on Saturday. While sitting around the campfire, Rion decided he had had enough, went back to the cabin and went to bed. He's always been like that. When he's tired, he goes to bed. Torii wasn't that far behind, which is unusual, because he never voluntarily goes to bed. I think they were worn out. On Sunday when we got up they were ready for more swimming. First, we had a very good breakfast, complete with pancakes in the shape of the first letter of the kids' names. Then the boys got right into their swim trunks. We went for a kayak ride and then the boys played in the water with Dave and Peggy's friend Jerry. They had so much fun. About 3:00 Rion was ready to go home because he was tired again. He dozed off on the couch while I got the car loaded.


Kelly said...

such cute pictures! That looks & sounds like a perfect weekend. I'm so jealous to be at the lake.

Laurie said...

awww sounds like an awesome time!