Sunday, July 26, 2009

Slow down, you move too fast

Lately, I've been getting signs that life is moving too fast and I need to slow down. We get so busy with work, school, activities and whatever else is going on that sometimes we just forget to just be. Last weekend when I did the photowalk I was amazed at all the things I had noticed for the first time. I've lived here most of my life, but it was the first time I truly took in downtown. I go by these places all the time, but taking the time to just look at these places was amazing. As one person said about the photowalk: "It was good for my soul." I have to agree.

Now tonight I got another sign that I need to slow down. While looking for an address that fell out of my address book, I found an unopened Mother's Day gift. Rion had made it in school and when he came home the Friday before Mother's Day he told me I had to wait until Sunday to open it. I put it on top of the computer desk so nothing (ie Cordelia) would happen to it. Well, nothing did happen to it for about two months as it sat one foot from where I am typing now and where I can be found almost every single night. I felt so incredibly bad that I had forgotten about this precious handmade gift I neglected to open for two months. And a Mother's Day gift at that. Way to go, mom.

These are all good reminders to slow down. Life is too short to miss all the little precious things. Most often those are the best things.