Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Money lessons

On Saturday the whole family headed out early to try and find some deals at the many rummage sales taking place over the weekend. The boys have some money saved up so they each brought along five dollars to spend however they wanted. It took a few rummage sales, but they finally found some toys they liked. Torii is really into Bakugan and a young boy was selling some of his Bakugan. He had a small Ziploc bag with the smaller Bakugan which the boys had none of. They could have bought the whole bag for $5.00 or else each one was fifty cents. I thought one of them would blow all their money and buy the whole bag, but they each spent one dollar and picked out two. Later in the day Torii regretted the decision and wanted to go back and buy the rest. I figured these toys would be lost and forgotten soon after we got home, but they have been playing with them a lot and have taken good care of them. They are pretty small and they haven't lost them yet. Maybe they are more mindful of them because they bought it with their own money.

By lunch time we had to take a break, but later in the afternoon Torii and I went back out. Torii still had four dollars with and found some more toys at one sale. It was getting late so the lady gave him a break and let him have it all for 75 cents. He gave her a dollar and got a quarter back, which just thrilled him. I think we talked about that quarter and money in general the rest of the afternoon. It was a good lesson because he will be learning about money later in kindergarten.