Wednesday, December 30, 2009

December Fools

The very short background story to this post is that Torii wanted a new winter jacket from Santa. I was going to wait until next year for new jackets, but Old Navy had a very excellent after Thanksgiving sale so I picked up two jackets. I was just going to give the jackets to the boys, but realized that Torii really wanted a jacket from Santa. So I hid the jackets with the rest of the gifts. On Christmas Eve as Fred and I were taking out all the gifts, I placed the jackets on top of one of the laundry bins. Then I started doing my Santa business; wrapping gifts, stuffing stockings, and hiding all the clues that led them to their Wii. After that was all done, Fred and I ate the Santa cookies, drank the milk and headed to bed. Christmas Day was great. The kids all liked their presents and we spent the day enjoying each other's company as we stayed in, surrounded by snow. The next day I decided to get off my butt and do some cleaning. The house was a real pit of new toys, empty boxes and bits of wrapping paper. I also decided I should get some laundry going while I cleaned. As soon as I walked in the laundry room I saw the two jackets still sitting on top of the laundry bin. Once again I thought about just giving the jackets to the boys, but I thought up a lie and I thought it up quick. I took the jackets to the boys and asked them where these jackets came from, because I didn't buy them. Where did they come from? Do you suppose it was Santa? The boys concluded it was Santa and he forgot to put them under the tree. Torii, for some reason, was talking about April Fools Day earlier in the day so he said Santa did a December Fools on us! I found the perfect jackets for the boys. Torii got an all black one that looks really good with his favorite Steelers hat and scarf.

Rion wanted a "fluffy" jacket like his former one. I found him the ultimate fluffy jacket. He loves it.

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