Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Walk this way

We are finally enjoying some hints at summer. After being cooped up all winter we are getting outside as much as possible. Usually we just hang out in the backyard. Torii likes to play baseball. I found some whiffle balls at the dollar store the other day and he likes hitting those around. He also likes to play soccer and he's practicing for the upcoming season. He likes to be the goalie so he can use his hands. A few nights after supper we have taken walks. Tonight we took a walk to GG's house. Cordelia hasn't been doing a good job of listening to me and she walks all over people's lawns and towards anything that interests her. Finally I got her to take Torii's hand and they walked hand in hand all the way to GG's. She will not take my hand, but anytime Torii lets go, she yells for him and holds out her hand. Next time we go for a walk I will have to bring the camera because it is too darn cute. She loves her big brother so much.

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