Monday, January 25, 2010

Church school

My Torii loves Sunday school. We find it ironic that our most devilish child is also the one who seems to be the most faithful as well. Since Christmas I've gotten to sit in on two of his classes. The parents were asked to come and talk about the Lord's Prayer with the kids. They are learning it this year and are going to say it as a group in church sometime soon. Torii knew most of it and when the teacher asked if they had said the prayer before Torii raised his hand and said we were just practicing it on the way to church school. I think the teacher liked that and asked him if we were practicing again the next week. On the second meeting the teacher was asking the kids questions about the prayer that they had learned the previous week. Each time Torii's hand shot up and he had the right answers.

Torii also loves singing in church school. When the music teacher can't decide what song to sing next, Torii always raises his hand and puts in a request. A couple of Sundays ago they learned a new song. Yesterday afternoon Torii was singing it, "Sing lasagna, sing lasagna, sing lasagna to the king of kings." I had to correct him, "no Torii, it's sing Hosanna."

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