Monday, March 22, 2010

Caged animals

On Saturday it was a beautiful first day of spring and I really needed to get out. I have felt like a caged animal all winter and the kids are getting a little crazy being inside as well. We decided it was a good day to visit the zoo. I used to love seeing the otters more than any other animal, but the tigers are easily my favorite now. The white tiger was sitting right on top of the observation room you can walk over to. It's amazing seeing tigers so close. When we came back out of the tunnel we noticed one of the other tigers had left his perch high on top of a rock. We were surprised to see him right in our face when we looked to our right. It was a fun day at the zoo. We saw a couple of babies already and the animals were quite active with the cool temperatures. I think we will be going to the zoo again on Saturday as they are having an Easter egg hunt. The kids are looking forward to that.


Laurie said...

preeeetty kitty! :) It's best to visit the zoo when it's cool out! The egg hunt sounds fun!! Can adults participate? :P

Brian said...

Sounds like fun! I wish our zoo was open and then Heidi and I can walk to the zoo. It's not far from our place. We feel like caged animals here to.

Kelly said...

once again I posted as Brian....ugh. Oh well.