Sunday, April 25, 2010

Playing outside

Today was a cool and rainy day so we didn't get to spend time outside. We were outside a lot on Friday and Saturday. I started cleaning up our shed and it was like Christmas for the kids. All the summer toys they had forgotten about over the winter were found again. Torii was mad that he didn't have any Rollerblades so I had to get a pair for him. We've been doing a lot of rollerblading which the boys love. I can't wait until they are real good and then we can go rollerblading along the river trail.

I know there has been a lot of blog worthy comments from the kids this past week, but I can't think of any of them at the moment. Last week was such a long week, I'm not even sure what we did. All I know is that everyone in this house was sick at some point in the last week. I'm sick of being sick and taking care of sick people.

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