Thursday, September 30, 2010

"Kid friendly" dinners

In my new issue of Cooking Light there was a very good letter to the editor about labeling certain recipes as "kid friendly". The writer of the letter, a mom, said that the labeling should be eliminated because then some foods are deemed for grown-ups only. Like her, I've always served my kids exactly what Fred and I eat for dinner. And like her, my kids eat a wide variety of foods. Foods that some people are surprised a child will eat willingly. Not that they like everything, but at least they try it. I've made it a point to serve healthy food and as a result my kids have pretty good eating habits. I think it's good that my kids don't expect chicken nuggets or mac and cheese every night for dinner. My hope in serving healthy meals is that they continue eating healthy into adulthood. While we do eat healthy most nights, we also have our fair share of greasy, fatty food. And dessert is a must every night. (I think that's the real incentive in eating well every night). Still, I'm proud of our family's eating habits. And our meals aren't all "kid friendly". It's just good food.

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