Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A little more summer fun

Well, we finally got to Raging Rivers Labor Day weekend. We had been trying to get there the past three weekends, but between sick kids and rainy days, it just didn't happen. I find it somewhat funny that we have been to the Wisconsin Dells twice, but this was our first visit to Raging Rivers. It wasn't the hottest of days (it did get to 77 degrees), but the kids didn't mind. They had a lot of fun and I'm sure we will be going back next year. Even though I would have liked it a little hotter, it turned out to be a great day. The water park was only open until 4pm as opposed to the normal 8pm closing. I didn't mind telling the kids we had to pack up and leave at 4:00 instead of enduring 4 more hours there. And since they had reduced hours, the price was reduced as well. A win-win for me! Torii was a little bummed that he wasn't quite tall enough for the water slides, but he took it well. Next year he'll be tall enough for sure. Rion loved going down the tube slides. I made him go with me the first time I went with him. He had already been down with Fred a few times. When we got to the bottom he told me, "Now I'm going down by myself. And so are you." We also enjoyed the lazy river. It was fun because a section of it has waves at different times. That was a lot of fun. It turned out to be a great day and a nice ending to summer.

1 comment:

Heidi's Corner said...

that sounds so fun! Next summer when we come home to visit, Heidi will have to go with her cousins. :)