Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A late Christmas story

I know I'm way behind in my blogging and I wanted to post this before Christmas. Well, I'm finally getting around to it.

In mid-December my office had a Christmas party. It's held during the same week that we have our winter meetings since everyone is in town at that time. Since this was my first year attending the meetings it was on my mind a lot and therefore, a lot of others things got neglected. One of those things was helping the kids with homework. Rion and I usually practice spelling words on Wednesday night as his test is on Thursday. On Friday morning of that week as we are about to leave for school, Rion tells me, "You know my spelling test was yesterday. My spelling homework is also late now too." I apologized to him for not practicing with him and told him I had a lot on my mind with work and it would not happen again. Rion looked straight at me and said, "Well, you need to tell your boss that you have kids."

1 comment:

Laurie said...

wow haha. what a smarty pants!