Sunday, April 17, 2011

Quotable kids

Today Rion was really on a roll. I kept thinking, "I need to write that down." It's usually Torii who comes up with the stuff I need to write down. Like last week when Torii informed me that when I spank him, I'm hitting God because God is inside him. I didn't know what to say to that. Fred said I should have told him I was really beating the devil out of him. I wish I would have thought of that. So usually I'm telling people what Torii just said, but today Rion had all kinds of things to say. And for once he wasn't talking about video/computer games! After church today Rion said, "When I was waving the palm branch in church, I felt closer to God." This from the boy who never wants to go to Sunday School let alone church. He continued to talk about his spiritual moment in church for most of the ride home. What a sweet boy. He also wanted to save his palm branch. I told him there was no saving it, it was going to die. "Then it will go to the palm tree in the sky," he said. He still wanted a palm tree so he asked if there were any seeds that we could plant. I explained to him it was too cold here for palm trees. "Have you seen many palm trees around here," I asked. He thought a moment, "Ummm. No. Not really." Then later in the day, after I told Rion he couldn't have any more Root Beer, he comes running up to me and said, "You have no idea what I've just been through." Turns out he tried drinking Root Beer from the 2 liter and it came out a little fast, spilling all over and then coming back out his nose. He cleaned it up and I forgave him because listening to him explain all of it was pretty funny.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

wow I miss you guys! Thanks for brightening up my day with this post! :)