Thursday, January 26, 2012

The tooth fairy

That damn tooth fairy forgot about my son again. We need a new tooth fairy because this one is terrible.

So, Torii lost a tooth yesterday. When he went to bed he wanted Fred and I to go to bed too so the tooth fairy would stop. Rion told Torii he would stay up, just so the tooth fairy wouldn’t come. I told Torii not to worry about it and we all would be in bed shortly. This morning as I was getting the boys up and getting their clothes ready I heard Torii, “you stayed up last night.” When I looked over Torii was holding the bag with his tooth in it and had a really sad look on his face. I felt terrible. The only problem was that I couldn’t apologize without telling him the truth about the tooth fairy. So I lied. And that made me feel bad too. I told him the tooth fairy was probably really busy last night, but I was sure she would stop tonight. So Torii put the tooth back under his pillow. Hopefully the tooth fairy shows up tonight.


KristyR said...

I love this post because the tooth fairy has often forgotten Adam as well. Most recently, the stupid fairy came while the kids ate breakfast. She even included a note that she was sorry she was "late." Another time, she came the next night and left a note saying "your tooth was on your nightstand not under your pillow, so I didn't receive the message." I hope that one day, when Adam knows the truth, he will appreciate my effort to make him happy!

Laurie said...

Oops! Haha

Kelly said...

uh oh. did the toothfairy make it this time?