Friday, March 30, 2012

Weekend with the boys

Not long ago, Fred and I saw Elton John in concert. After the concert I regretted not taking the boys. Sure, they only knew some of Elton John's songs from Gnomeo and Juliet, but they would have had fun. So when it was announced that he would be performing in Grand Forks, I had to get tickets. I wasn't really looking forward to driving to Grand Forks just for a concert, but sometimes I'm just not willing to say, "We'll do that someday, but not today." Plus how cool is it that the boys can say their first concert was an Elton John concert? Since the boys and I went to Grand Forks and Fred had to work, Cordelia stayed with Grandpa and Grandma for the weekend. That was nice for her since she doesn't get to spend a lot of time alone with them. And as much as I missed Cordelia, it was nice just hanging out with the boys. I always find it funny how removing one person from a group can change the dynamics. I especially enjoyed my time with Rion. We don't get to spend a lot of time together. Mostly because his brother and sister are such attention hogs. There were moments over the weekend that I looked at Rion and couldn't believe how big he has gotten. He's already changing into a young man. And he's such a smart, creative, thoughtful guy. Sometimes I forget that because he's often the source of my frustrations at home. It was great having that time together.

The boys really liked the concert. They started to get tired about 9:30. I figured we had to be getting to the end of the concert soon so I told them to hang on a little longer. Plus we wanted to hear "Crocodile Rock" before going. Well, he finally sang it at 10:40. It was the last song before the encore so we stayed to listen to the encore as well. The best moment of the night was when Elton John sang "The Bitch is Back." I don't think I've ever played that song for the kids. Not only because of the word bitch in the title, but it's not on either one of the Elton John Cd's I have. The kids might not have noticed the offending word if it had just been sung, but the word was also flashed over and over on the giant screens behind the stage. I looked over at Rion and his eyes were huge. "Mom, he said the "B" word!" We had a lot of fun and I'm glad we went.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

That is so great sis!! Sounds like a wonderful time and i bet the boys sure loved some alone with mom. You are such a wonderful mommy.