Monday, January 21, 2013

Movie nights

Rion has always been a cool kid, but as he gets older, the cooler he is becoming. He is moving further away from "kid stuff" and discovering more "grown up" things. The other day I was watching The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Rion sat down next to me and started watching it too. It was close to his bedtime so he didn't get to watch it all, but a few days later we watched the rest of it together. He really liked it. I was so happy. Finally, my kids are starting to watch non-animated movies! I started thinking about other movies that I thought he would like, but would also be appropriate. I thought of a few, but then I was stumped. Then my newest issue of Family Fun came in the mail. As fate would have it, there is a whole article devoted to movies. They are broken down into categories such as, "if you like Star Wars, check out Hitchhikers Guide and Galaxy Quest." Galaxy Quest! Great recommendation. Maybe that will be our next movie night movie! There are 20 different categories, with a handful of movies I've never seen either. And some really great classics (i.e. Harvey) that I had forgotten about. 

Speaking of forgotten movies. Last night Splash was on HBO. Again Rion watched part of it with us before going to bed so we recorded it so we can watch it later. Fred and I watched all of it because I hadn't seen it in so long and I was in the mood for a good comedy. Splash is one of those movies that is really different when you see it again as an adult. There were a bunch of jokes that I'm sure flew over my head as a child. I also loved the part where Daryl Hannah's character decides she wants to be named Madison. Tom Hanks says, she can't be named Madison, that's not a name. Oh how times change. Every other girl is named Madison these days.

I hope my kids all like movies as much as I do. I hope they enjoy the classic movies I share with them and hopefully we'll discover some new classics together as well.


Laurie said...

I suggest Big and the Goonies ;-)

Laurie said...

I suggest Big and the Goonies ;-)

Stacy said...

Good call on Big. I think the kids have seen Goonies. I'm also adding The Karate Kid (the original) to the list of must see movies.