Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The Middle

I haven't written anything in a long time. Almost a year to the day in fact, but I find myself wanting to write a lot lately. I haven't wrtten much in the past few years mostly because I was always too busy. We're still busy, but I have a little more time since I quit my full-time job and went to part-time. Another reason I didn't write, was I just didn't have anything to write. A lot of the time I felt like I didn't have anything to say. My kids were no longer babies and we were coasting along in a familar routine everyday. Sure, once in a while something would happen or the kids would say something funny worthy of a blog post, but I just never got around to posting it.

Lately, however, the urge to write has been strong. I see so many changes in our family and I need to chronicle it like I once did when they were babies and toddlers and changes seemed to happen on a daily basis.

One of our family's favorite shows is "The Middle". It's one of the few shows we watch together. There is always something that I laugh out loud at in every episode. Usually, it's some off hand comment by one of the parents. At which point the kids look at me strangely. That show is so good at capturing what it is like to be at this stage in parenting. Our kids are no longer babies, but they aren't grown yet either. We are in the middle.

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