Thursday, December 20, 2007

Tag along

Today Torii had to come with for Cordelia's doctor appointment. He came along on her first visit too and I couldn't figure out why he wanted to go so bad. I tried to tell him that the doctor's office wasn't going to be any fun, but he insisted on going. When we got to the clinic he went and played with the toys in the waiting room and was so good. Then the nurse called for Cordelia and I thought I would have to drag Torii away from the toys, but he came along without a struggle. As soon as we got into the doctor's office I found out why he wanted to come with. He sat down and asked for cookies. The doctor has a cookie jar in the room filled with the little packs of McDonalds cookies and he always gives the boys some at the end of the visit. So the nurse gave him a pack of cookies for being so good. When the doctor came in Torii asked for more cookies. I told him he already had some, but the doctor said he had a special treat for him. Since it was just before Halloween, Torii got a bag of candy also. If I got chocolate every time I went to the doctor I would look more forward to going too!

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