Sunday, April 13, 2008

No fun being sick

All three kids are in a different stages of sick right now. Torii, who started all of this, is recovering and feeling really good. Rion feels awful and just watched TV all day. Cordelia has a little cough and runny nose so she may have the worst ahead of her still.

I complain that Torii talks too much and he wears me out with his constant chatter. Really, it's worse when he isn't talking. That means something is wrong. When he was feeling really bad and laying around I felt so bad for him. I hate it when the kids feel down. They should be running around, being loud and annoying me. Not laying on the couch, barely moving.

Normally I would curse an all day Ben 10 marathon, but today was thankful. Rion was feeling really bad today. I know this because he only ate about 3/4 of one peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Usually he eats three. So Rion watched Ben 10 all day and took a nap as well. I wish the Cartoon Network was around when I was little. When I was sick from school the TV highlights were The Price is Right and Days of our Lives.

Hopefully Cordelia doesn't get really sick. And I hope I don't get sick either. But most of all I hope Fred doesn't get sick. There is nothing worse than a sick grown man. But that's a post for another time.

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