Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Tell me about yourself.....

For the past three weeks I have been preparing for today's job interview. One question I always hate is "Tell me a little about yourself." It seems like an easy question, but I have a hard time with it. The number one thing about myself is that I'm a mother. But then what do I say? Sometimes I feel like I have lost myself because I am so busy being a working mother and a wife. And what else do I say that is interesting enough to say? I know there is a lot of interesting things about myself, but for the life of me I can't think of a single one in an interview. So I rehearsed for this question over and over so I would be ready today. So the question came up, but with a twist. "Tell us something about yourself that is not in your resume or your portfolio or something that we don't already know about you." I was being interviewed by people that I have know for over five years. Everything I had prepared to say was already in my resume or portfolio. Lucky for me something popped in my head, and for this question, for once, I did alright.

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